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I think there's a typo here, [T(x) - I(W(x;p))] should instead be flipped to [I(W(x;p)) - T(x)] and H^{-1} should be outside the summation on this and the next few slides


You're right that $H^{-1}$ can be brought outside of the summation here, since it doesn't vary with $x$. (Though both versions are correct, technically.) As for whether one should use (i) $T(x) - I(W(x;p))$ or (ii) $I(W(x;p)) - T(x)$, the slide looks correct to me, though it is possible that I might be missing something here.


I initially had $T(x) - I(W(x;p))$ in my code and it didn't work until I flipped it, and it's different compared to the homework handout. I'm not entirely sure why that's the case though.