Is my understanding correct? A horizontal Sobel filter highlights vertical lines because it is sensitive to intensity changes in the image in the horizontal direction. It detects horizontal change (similarly to a partial derivative in the x direction), and when it encounters a vertical line, it detects a sudden large change because it goes from relatively normal to a (typically) dark boundary. This change is processed during the convolution (lin alg/gradient calculation/etc) and reflected in the final processed image as a darker, more pronounced line.
That's correct! The horizontal Sobel filter detects changes in the horizontal direction, and the vertical Sobel filter detects changes in the vertical direction.
Is my understanding correct? A horizontal Sobel filter highlights vertical lines because it is sensitive to intensity changes in the image in the horizontal direction. It detects horizontal change (similarly to a partial derivative in the x direction), and when it encounters a vertical line, it detects a sudden large change because it goes from relatively normal to a (typically) dark boundary. This change is processed during the convolution (lin alg/gradient calculation/etc) and reflected in the final processed image as a darker, more pronounced line.
That's correct! The horizontal Sobel filter detects changes in the horizontal direction, and the vertical Sobel filter detects changes in the vertical direction.